It references Deuteronomy 32:27---The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms;
I also read, "Thank Me for your neediness." What!
Thank you, Sarah Young for pointing this out. I did not want to read this today.
Relax. Difficult. Be thankful for neediness. More than difficult.
In light of recent events in our home, I had to pack up clothes in baskets, load them into the car and drive to a place that I don't often enter.
Be thankful for neediness. It rang in my ears as I arrived. It was hard. I did not want to come to this place of business. However, our clothing situation was demanding I come.
Relax in My everlasting arms. I want to. I really want to. So in my neediness I arrived, unpacked and prepared to get the job done.
I was not prepared for the unsanitary conditions of the machinery, so I had to clean before my belongings could be clean. I also was not prepared for one of the said machines to NOT go through the complete spin cycle. It was a drippy situation.
It was a long morning. I was not alone in my work. Others were there doing their work. And, I might add, not seeming to have the same problems I was trying to work through. As my last load finished in the dryer, a sweet lady looked over at me and said, "Get'em out quick, honey. Sometimes there's wrinkles and they are hard to get out."
Sometimes…..there's wrinkles.
You guys!! Sometimes we have wrinkles in our plans. Wrinkles in the way we think. Wrinkles in our heart. Sometimes OTHER people place their wrinkles on YOU. The wrinkles of life get in the way. Often God shows you the wrinkles and says, "Get them out quick. It will be easier when you do."
Wouldn't it be easier if at the first sign of a wrinkle that we get out the smooth, hard-pressed truth of God's Word and iron out the problem? We would love each other better and our emotions would not take over.
In my neediness today, God showed me some wrinkles and they were not pretty. He spoke in that still, small, Sovereign voice and said, " Get'em out quick, honey. Sometimes there's wrinkles and they are hard to get out. Turn them over to Me." And I did. In that hot, noisy place where clothes are washed and spots removed, God ironed out a mess and smoothed the wrinkled places. Bless Him.
My reading today ended with this... "Memories of these days are richly interwoven with golden strands of My intimate Presence."
I am intensely thankful that when my soiled and wrinkled heart needs straightening out, God is there with the iron in hand and says, "I've been waiting for you."
BTW….if you do not own this…Jesus Calling by Sarah Young…just go ahead and order it. You will not regret one moment of reading it.
Be blessed…Relax in His everlasting arms….Thank Him for your neediness.