

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today we did something that we haven't done in 3 years. We attended an AWANA Leadership Conference in Ocala. And even though several years ago, we were the ones teaching, today we were simply leaders attending. In the last few years there have been some changes; some for the better and others I am not so sure about. I participated in three workshops that moved me to ponder a few thoughts I have had about raising children. In one class these statistics, prepared by Barna were cited:

1. One out of every two college students who are raised in the church will walk away from it.

2. Sixty one percent of the 20-somethings that had been churched as kids are actually spiritually disengaged.

3. Only between 10-15 percent of young people have Biblical worldviews.

4. Ten to fifteen years ago the average Bible-college freshman scored sixty percent on Bible knowledge tests; today it's only 39 percent.

I am frightend by these numbers and what they mean in our culture. What is happening to the children that are growing up under the teaching of the Gospel in our homes and churches? At what point are we dropping the ball in living out a passionate relationship with Jesus in front of our children?

We must teach our children to respect human relationships, God's standard, and human authority.

We must teach them that wisdom is based on God's Word and to have confidence in relying on God's wisdom.

We must teach them to respond with grace and mercy when they are wronged.

We must somehow transfer a sense of destiny and teach them that their destiny is God's to choose for them.

So I pose three questions we must all ask ourselves about our children:

1. How are our young people turning out?

2. Do we have a target/goal for our children?

3. What do you want people to say about your children when they are in their

It is up to parents to take responsibility for the spiritual training of their children. God give us wisdom........

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