

Friday, September 13, 2013

Who Do You Trust?

Daniel 11:32b says that the people who know their God will display strength and take action. 

Who is this God that says He puts to death and gives life; causes well-being and creates calamity; wounds and heals and then makes the statement: "I am the LORD who does all these things"?

Oh friend, He is all this and much more. Understanding His names and attributes are what we have to draw strength and hope from . It is the exact courage that can pull us through those days when all hope and reason is lost.  God's character is all compiled within His attributes and His name. They are not part of Him, they are Him. 

What kind of strength are we displaying?  Do we as Christians show Who God is to those around us?  In those times of great distress and dismay, when the things surrounding us are in a whirl, where do we point with the fingers of our lives?  At this very moment, people in my sphere of friends are struggling. One has seen her father enter into the presence of Jesus.  One has a daughter on the edge of marriage and another has been praying for a particular person for years.  All the emotions and feelings that are wrapped up with these are more than we/they can bear.  That's where God comes in. He actually been there all along. Sometimes we can't see His goodness for the events that encompass our hearts and minds. 

God is Holy and gracious, loving us unconditionally.  He is always right and fair.  He is merciful and wrathful, all in One.  He is loving and jealous, not sharing what is rightfully His with any creature.  He is good, not giving us what we deserve and faithful. Always true to His promises.  He always does what He has spoken. 

God does not contradict Himself. All of these characteristics and attributes make God Who He is.

If we really knew God like that, would we as Daniel said, "display strength and take action"? 

Knowing God for Who he is will give us peace and security.  We can trust Him to do what He says.  His promises will become more real to us and we can rest in the knowledge that God really does have everything under control.  In this world of suffering and anxiety, we can believe that God is worth living for.  In fact, He is the only One worth living for. 

Trust Him.

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You
I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
And I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
(Healer:  Kari Jobe)

Rest in the shelter of Who God is and the truth of His Word.  It's worth it.