

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Too Fast

Not long ago the Treasures and I were taking a trip to the local shopping area. It was cold and windy so we were walking briskly to get to where we were going.  Even though we were bundled up, we were moving like jets because of the cold wind. The young one and I were walking and the big three were walking a few feet ahead.

After a few minutes the he said "Hey, tell them to wait. They are walking too fast."

We soon arrived at our destination---which happened to be a donut shop---ordered and sat down. We quickly consumed said donuts. With a vengeance.

As I sat there listening to the banter of the siblings, I began to think about the phrase, "Walking too fast".

If someone is walking too fast, it generally means they are up ahead, or in front of you moving hurriedly. We tend to say:

Life moves too fast.

Your children grow too fast.

The disease is spreading fast.

I was, at that moment watching donuts disappear too fast.

So with coffee and crumbs cleaned up off the table we began to gather our belongings to leave.

Again, as we were walking, the older ones walked ahead.

And as I looked at them walking away ahead of us I thought of how often we walk away from others, from family, from the body of Christ we have been placed in by God.

We walk away from responsibility of caring for others; from the privilege to serve and not just be served.

We walk away emotionally from relationships that are hard to maintain and cause upheaval in our lives and yet they have a place in our lives.

We walk away from the very circumstance that God places in our lives that will begin the process of making us more like Jesus.

WE walk away.

The Bible is very clear in how we should walk through this life on planet earth.

*Walk in newness of life
*Walk according to love
*Walk by faith
*Walk by the Spirit
*Walk in a manner worthy of the calling
*Walk as children of Light
*Walk in the same manner as He walked
*Walk in truth

......Just to name a few....

If we are walking through life too fast, are we running away from something or running towards something?

Are we walking away from problems and situations that God is allowing for our good and His glory?

Are we walking away emotionally because life is hard and it's too much to deal with?

Are we walking away from the very mission God has us here for?  To tell others about Him.

Where are you walking? To what or Whom are you walking?

I pray it's with Jesus. He's so worth the hard walk.

As for the Treasures---I am praying every day that they not just walk, but RUN towards Jesus.  I pray they walk in His kindness and goodness and also His unwavering love.

And when I am with them and we are walking, I am keeping my eyes fixed on them. I don't want to miss a second of their walk.

Because, as all grandparents know....they are growing too fast.