

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fresh Feathers

The old song says, “Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future”. 

Where does the time go? 

We wish we had more time. We want to be unhurried. We look around and try to fit every thing we can into our daily schedules and then wonder why at the end of the day we are exhausted.  We like to be busy. Down time seems to be such a waste in the never ending call of our responsibility.  

We are so busy maximizing the minutes that we miss what God has for us in the seconds. 

Children grow up and we wonder where the time went. They used to be in diapers and now they are in prom dresses.

Parents pass away and we wish we could call them….one more time.

We get older ourselves and a glance in the mirror will tell us exactly how much time has passed. 

:Everything is measured in time. 

The Bible speaks of time, also:   Ecclesiastes 3:1 says,  “ For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

John 4:23 says, “ Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for 
      they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”

  Acts 1:7 says,  “ He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.”

Time IS slippin’ into the future. It’s moving right along exactly the way God planned it. The thing is, we don’t know how God really measures time, but we do know that He says to “redeem the time”.  We are instructed to be careful how we walk…not as unwise, but wise.  In other words, we are to make the most of our time, because we live in evil days.  We are to take advantage of every opportunity to show our sphere of influence Who God is.  He doesn’t give us time to waste.  He gives us time to extend to others the marvelous grace that was given to us at salvation.  That, my friends, is where we are to spend our time.  

Now…….I can waste time. Truth is, I can be the master of procrastination. And maybe that’s not a bad thing every once in a while. I believe God wants us to rest and get quiet enough to hear Him.  It’s just that sometimes I can take it a bit further than it was intended.  

People mark time passing by events in their lives. We wait 9+ months for a baby to be born. We wait to turn 16 so we can drive. We wait to graduate from high school. We wait to graduate from college or get married , We wait for those test results we don’t really want to hear.  We wait to see if that child we love will really make the right decision….. or whatever other type of milestone you have.  We wait for time to pass for something to happen.  We wait in hopes that something good will happen. That God really does “work all things together for our good”.  

Sometimes the waiting room of life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  

But God is always Who He says He is.  Count on it. 

And this is what He says, 

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

If we WAIT for Him, we will get our strength renewed.  That means the strength is already there…we just want more. We have been tired from filling in every second of the day and night…..and we don’t have to be. 

If we WAIT for Him, we are setting our hearts on minds on heavenly matters. 

If we Wait for Him, no matter what life throws at us, we can trust that God is soaring right along side of us and guiding us all the way.  

In Gills Exposition of the Bible, it says,  “ The Jews have a notion, that for ten years the eagle ascends very high in the firmament of heaven, and approaching near to the heat of the sun, it falls into the sea, through the vehemence of the heat; and then it casts its feathers, and is renewed again, and its feathers grow, and it returns to the days of its youth.”

Fresh feathers.  Renewing their strength.  

That’s what we get when we WAIT on the Lord.  Waiting is hard. Waiting tries our patience.  Waiting is not comfortable.  Waiting grinds our very last nerve.  Yet, it is what God asks us to do. And there are spiritual benefits to waiting.  

Time isn’t just slippin’ and passing away.  Time is coming.  All time is being marked to the exact moment when Jesus will return. And on that day, we will see all that we haven’t been able to make sense of, all of the times when we scratched our heads and asked why, all the moments in time we thought were important….and we will realize they were not.  

Need some fresh feathers?  Wait on the Lord. 

Need time to slow down?  Wait on the Lord. 

Need to run this race of life and not be weary?  Wait on the Lord.  

Waiting Child of God——Be strong in the Lord. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

It Ain't Easy

I see them every day.  Younger, older and in-between. They all have that same steel glint that comes out of the corner of their eyes. Their focused gaze that means business.  They don’t mess around. They don’t give an inch.

They are mothers.

These mothers are the unsung heroes of homework helpers, boo-boo fixers, untangling of hair, fixing of toys and various other jobs that if I were to write them all down, the list would resonate with your soul.   

Because you who are mothers, have been there.

You know what it takes to get those kids out the door every morning. It may all start out sweet and nice and then in a flash, the tables can turn and all bets are off. Just to get them out the door….where is the cooperation?

When it’s time to eat and you have prepared that one healthy meal a day…that’s all we ask…just a little bit of health at the table…and no one wants to recognize what it takes to put together…where is the thankfulness? 

The all day task of not only washing the clothes, but folding AND putting them in the correct rooms, on the correct bed, only to find them that evening on the floor or worse….back in the dirty clothes basket….where is the gratefulness? 

Where is the “Thank you, Mother for the multitude of tasks you perform for me very day.  Thank you for selflessly giving of yourself and all your worldly goods to make my day easier. I appreciate the endless deeds you work together for my good.”

More than likely, it will be a while before you hear that. Maybe not exactly that. But it will be good. Trust me.

I’m looking at motherhood…the raising years…from the backwards glance. It was good. It was fun. It was tiring and it was heart-wrenching at times.

And worth every, single, solitary second.

When you feel like all you do is clean up, wipe up, dress up and get up…it’s true. That’s what you do.  Many times this goes without anyone even noticing that you are tired, not feeling well, and generally DONE.

But, look, it doesn't last forever.  The numberless practices, the never-ending lessons, the friends coming over, the “Can we have a party?”….it all comes to a crashing stop one day and you will look back and wonder where the time went.

God is merciful towards mothers.  He gives us moments that will resonate in our hearts forever. He knits our souls with those pint-sized beings that He gives us and we are forever lost to their magnetism. 

Mothering is hard. Mothering is work. Mothering is more than you can imagine and less than you fear it will be. 

I watch these young mothers and their children and my heart tenderly goes out to them.  I want to say:

It’s ok…go ahead and cry when you need it.  
Don’t worry about the house. Be with those children.
Take adventures.
Snuggle and cuddle….a lot.
Read them books and watch their imagination soar.
Do the unexpected. That’s the fun they will not forget.
Pray over them. Quote Scripture over them.
Tell them your story. It’s part of theirs, as well.
If they get a bad grade, it’s fine. Help them see that failure is not their permanent identity.
Create expectations for them and help them reach them.
Listen to their stories. Their dreams are wrapped up in those.
Look in their eyes. You will look into their adult eyes one day soon enough.
Tell them they are loved, no matter what happens.
Don’t let them associate everything you do with work. They just want you. Not your job.

I sent my daughter this shirt…
It is as true a statement as I know.  I have watched her in the throes of motherhood for 14 ½ years now.  She is the mother of four, hopefully soon to be six.  Anyone can guess that life is busy.  She is the Engineer of their home, keeping everyone organized, color coordinated, shoes on and getting to places they need to go with everything they need. It is a thing of beauty to watch the process. 

I have kept The Treasures at times while their parents are away. I know the rigorous schedule that has to be kept. It is constant. There is no down time until all are in bed. Then, there is still work to do.  The van was our home on wheels as we went from one assignment to another.  She runs such a tight ship that the children know exactly what to do and when it has to be done. 

It’s mothering at its best. You see, she “bossed” her dolls around as a child, and her brothers when they came along. She has been in training for Mommin’ her whole life.  It is now all coming to fulfillment. She’s good at what she does. I’m not saying perfect. None of us are and certainly no mother ever feels she is. I’m saying, she is good at mothering.  She makes mothering look good.  Not easy….just good. And that is a reflection of our Heavenly Father. 

These young mothers have a rough road trying to school, keep the home, tend to children and still be a wife all at the same time.  We should be encouraging them and cheering them on every chance we get. After all, wouldn't some of us want to go back to the “little ones” time of our lives, even for a minute?  Maybe just a minute J.

 With Mothers Day coming soon, thank a mom.  Thank your mom. Thank a mother of any age, because being a mother is hard work.  It is time consuming and heart wrenching. It is also the best job in the world.  And it goes by very quickly. 

To my sweet girl---You are a better mother than I could have ever hoped to be.  It is my great joy to watch you do what you were made to do by God, Himself.  Happy Mothers Day! Today and every day.