

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A few reasons why I love my grandchildren:

1. they are the children of my child...flesh of my flesh.
2. they get excited about everything.
3. their eyes have lights in them.

4. they love uncondtionally.
5. when they watch a movie, they act it out
6. they sing---loudly
7. they can run very fast
8. a simple walk on the beach turns into a treasure hunt
9. they can make up a story about anything
10. they are loyal to their friends
11. they have big dreams and ideas
12. they belly-laugh
13. they sleep through the night
14. they LOVE Thunder Mountain
15. they give sweet hugs and kisses
16. they are compassionate
17. they can make a food mess very quickly
18. they have pinchable faces
19. they know how to strike a pose for pictures
20. they are just cute, for crying out loud!

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