

Thursday, August 4, 2011

God Speaks---Did We Hear?

The month of July in this household has flown by in a blur! We spent the first part of the month in Virginia on a youth mission trip. We made the plans, and God changed them all. In the end, it was fruitful. Perhaps we were there for this specific time period for God to show us that when it comes down to it, He is still in control and we are to simply follow. Sometimes that is easier said than done. God requires that we listen to Him, immerse ourselves in His Word and do what we read. Wouldn't we all be in a better place if we simply followed directions? I know I would.  So in this trip I have learned, or been reminded that there are many people in this civilized country that still know very little about our Father. Even living within 30 minutes of the most powerful government in the world, they still struggle with Who God is. I learned that it is uncomfortable to stay in a building without any air-conditioning.....but it IS possible.  I learned that listening is still a powerful drug. People want to be heard and you can't listen if you are talking all the time.  I was reminded that little things mean a lot....just a smile or a kind word makes all the difference. Most of all, I was reminded of the power of the Gospel, in my own life as a believer and in the lives of those who don't know the awesomeness of our God.

Maybe the purpose of this trip was not only for the unbelieving, but for those believers who want to make a difference and God had to remove them from their normalcy to speak in a loud voice. I hope we heard.

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